The Crimson Field is a British mini-series that aired on PBS recently. The BBC commissioned the mini-series as part of its special programming in observance of the centenary of World War I. Apparently the series did not receive good reviews in the British press. And I guess it didn't get very good ratings either because it's not coming back for another season. I've heard that some people have started a petition to get the BBC to bring it back, but I don't think that's going to happen. I think I mentioned this program or other programs set during World War I in my review of ANZAC Girls . At first I wasn't going to review The Crimson Field because I just reviewed another mini-series and also TCF is six episodes long. However, after viewing the first episode, I had opinions, and I need to vent about some characters. So now I'm reviewing it. I'll be splitting it into three more posts, each of which will cover two episodes. While ANZAC...
A blog that (un)fortunately reviews books, movies, and music.